NOTE: This post includes a video, which is not visible if you are reading this from an email notification. Click on the underlined title or the “Comment” button below to go to my website and see the entire post, including the video.
Welcome to the next episode of “Two Minutes.” This week’s reflection features a short visit to a “branch” creek in the midst of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina just outside of Asheville, a short spoken-word prayer written by me, and new music created just this week in the studio with my friends and collaborators John Caravelli and Phil Cooper.
Step aside with me, I heard a still, small voice say
leave your busy-ness there by the side of the stream
and it will still be there, waiting, when you return.
In the meantime,
steady your beating heart
breathe slowly out into the world
look closely and find me there in water and rocks and yellow flowers
waiting for you.
Scroll down to see the video…for some reason WordPress in inserting too much space here. Working on getting that fixed!