It is perhaps the question that thoughtful, discerning, reflective people most often ask themselves and God: Why am I here? For what purpose was I created? Like the world and all within it — which God created not once but, rather, continually creates — we were fashioned by the hand and mind of God and continue to be reshaped and repurposed by the events and people that enter our lives. We are molded again and again into the men and women that we are right now…right now…right now. The molding and shaping never ceases; we are never the same person we were the day before. But to what purpose, we ask? Why the change, the evolution? To what end?
God wants us fully human and fully alive, never lukewarm. And so God plants a passion and a call deep within us, an original seed of purpose and foundation that lies dormant until we discover it, cultivate it, bring it fruition. This is our life’s work. Only through a life of introspection — of faith and prayer — do we sense this purpose and respond with lives in service of others and in worship of the One who made us.
Ask yourself in silence: What is my foundation and purpose? From what passion and call does my life flow?