I’ve been tryin’ to get down
To the heart of the matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it’s about…forgiveness.
-Don Henley, 1995
Is forgiveness at the heart of matter? I guess it depends on the matter we’re taking about….But the truth is, when we harden our hearts and refuse to forgive or accept forgiveness, we set ourselves up for heartache and separation from those we once loved and from God. We hold on to so much pain, sometimes thinking that “we’ll show them” by our silence and refusal to forgive. In reality, we’re only hurting ourselves, of course.
Pain is real, and I’m certainly not trying to make light of it. We get hurt by people and by circumstances. We can feel we’ve been hurt by God. God certainly understands the human pain we feel. God understands that we may need to hold on to this pain for a while, to own it and make it our own. But at some point, God calls us to release ourselves and others from pain, no matter who is at fault. Over and over in the Gospels, Jesus calls us to forgive, to turn the other cheek, to move on so we can repair our own lives and our fractured relationships with God and others.
Ask yourself in silence: Where in my life am I holding a grudge? Who do I need to forgive? Where do I need to seek forgiveness? Do I have the courage to do something about this today?