Litany on the Perfect Timing of God

I was talking on the phone last week to my friend Dave in Texas, a retired hospital chaplain and now deacon and pastor of visitation at a Methodist Church. As “men of a certain age,” we have lots in common and were reflecting on those times in our lives when, despite all odds and seeming reason, God just seemed to show up when we needed Him most. 

We both thought and said that same phrase at almost the same time: “And then God showed up.” And I thought to myself, there have certainly been a long list of those divine occurrences in my life and in the lives of those around me; I could make a list, maybe even a litany of sorts. And here you go:

I was feeling powerless and small…and then God showed up.
I was on the edge looking into the abyss…and then God showed up. 
I had no idea which way to turn…and then God showed up. 
I didn’t believe my life had purpose or meaning…and then God showed up. 
I was alone and on my own…and then God showed up. 
I ached all over and saw no end in sight…and then God showed up. 
I was up against a wall…and then God showed up. 
I couldn’t find true love anywhere…and then God showed up. 
I had been abused and unloved…and then God showed up. 
I was confused and unsure of myself…and then God showed up. 
I didn’t have the right words…and then God showed up. 
I didn’t have the courage…and then God showed up. 
I thought life would never get any better…and then God showed up. 
I had no hope…and then God showed up. 
I was uncertain if God was even real…and then God showed up. 
I was sure that God wasn’t real…and then God showed up. 
I was in so much pain…and then God showed up. 
I was in so much trouble…and then God showed up. 
I needed peace of mind and heart and soul…and then God showed up. 
I needed a friend…and then God showed up. 
I needed a savior…and then God showed up. 
I needed you…and you showed up. 
Amen and amen.

What could you add to this list?

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