Dear friends, readers and occasional visitors to my blog:
As we look toward the beginning of Advent in just a few weeks, I wanted to make you aware of two advent retreat opportunities in which I am involved as a presenter and member of the retreat team.
First, whether you are near me in the Greater St. Louis area or not, I invite you to participate in a virtual retreat that in the past has drawn retreatants from all over the world. I’ll be part of the retreat team from the Jesuit Central-South Province Office of Ignatian Spirituality for this week of evening prayer, insight, and small group conversation led by Fr. Hung Pham SJ and other colleagues. “A Time to Heal, A Time to Dream” will be held Nov. 28-Dec. 4 from 8-10 p.m. (U.S. Central Time).
Join me and people from all over the world on this Ignatian advent virtual pilgrimage. To register:…/1FAIpQLSeM6BMOxxScMP…/viewform

And for those in the St. Louis area who are perhaps looking for a quiet weekend away, I will also be a part of the retreat team for “Voices in the Wilderness: A Call to Re-engage” from December 10-12 at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka, Mo. With the exception of last year (due to COVID), Fr. Tom Santen, Lucia Signorelli and I have been presenting this advent retreat since 2015. Fr. Tom is a masterful and insightful presenter, and his talks will be augmented by prayer experiences led by me and Lucia.
For more information, visit:

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