Written below (and in the video at bottom…keep scrolling) are three short monologues written from the perspectives of three men whose encounters with Jesus surely changed their lives, or at least I imagine they did, for sometimes scripture tells us a part of the story and leaves the rest to our imaginations.
In Matthew 7:31-37, we find a deaf and mute man whose intimate encounter with Jesus heals him and opens up a new world of sound and communication. In John 2:1-12, we meet the nameless waiter at the wedding feast at Cana who unknowingly plays a role in Jesus’ first recorded miracle. And in Luke 19:1-10, we meet the diminutive Zacchaeus, who climbs a tree just to get a glimpse of Jesus but receives so much more in return for his small act of faith.
As you read, listen and reflect on these stories, ask yourself these questions: What have been my encounters with Jesus? Through which people, circumstances or sacred moments have I experienced even a glimpse of him?
Feel free to leave some comments on my blog of your own experiences.
[Artwork above by Steve Tadrick.]
Three Changed Men
[Three men enter and face the audience, each speaking in turn, as if giving testimony.]
Man 1:
He led me away from the crowd
unable, as I was, to speak or hear
motioned me close
wet fingers suddenly on my face, in my ears, on my tongue.
I pulled back, but he pulled me closer
his glance upward
his groan and that word tumbling out – “Eph-pha-tha!”
and I was suddenly opened
the sounds around me as much music
as the cantor’s voice
I had only imagined.
Man 2:
I failed, forgot the obvious
a waiter at a feast without enough wine
threw up my hands
nowhere to turn at that late hour.
In the corner of my eye I saw
a quiet conversation between mother and son
couldn’t hear but the gestures were clear:
“Help them,” she implored. He nodded, reluctantly.
She approached me, saying: “Do whatever he asks.”
His command simple: “Fill the jars with water.”
I scoffed but did.
“Now draw some out,” he said, almost instantly.
I dipped in and brought the cup to my lips
ready to spit out the lukewarm nothingness of water
but instead received the very finest
saved until the end when it was needed most
the beginning of faith revealed in a sudden unexpected taste.
Man 3:
I am just a wee little man
so even the children pointed and laughed
as I scampered up the sycamore.
I just wanted a glimpse
recognition that I was
hoping for a wave or a nod.
My expectations were quickly exceeded
he saw me
sought me out
invited me down and to table (my own)
even as the crowd sneered.
But I am changed, have no choice but to change
have gained a companion
was lost, now found
unseen, seen.
Chorus (the three, all together):
In the short distance between us.
He whispered: I see you.
All we really wanted
was to be seen.
Man 1: Opened.
Man 2: Astounded.
Man 3: Invited.
All: Changed.
You ask when I have met Jesus, and my total reply would be very lengthy. In short, I meet Jesus in Eucharist, and have met Him many times on Cursillo weekends, and during REC weekends (Residents Encounter Christ). I also meet Him during encounters with family and friends, and when I am a Eucharitic Minister.
Keep up the good work, and thanks!
Thanks, Judy.