My next “Faith Perspectives” column for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch appeared online Saturday and should appear in the paper next Saturday morning. It’s a reflection on Pope Francis and his Ignatian spirituality and heritage. You can read my column below or online here: http://bit.ly/francisandignatius
Pope Francis, it seems, is a popular guy. Many around the world, Catholic or not, look up to and respect him for his humility and simplicity — for breaking tradition by washing the feet of women, Muslims and prisoners on Holy Thursday, for embracing the sick and disabled, for denouncing inequity and championing justice. He has called for the installation of shower facilities for the homeless in St. Peter’s Square while he himself lives in a simple apartment and foregoes many of the trappings of the past.
His popularity is not universal, of course, not even among the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics. But, still, according to a poll released last year by the Pew Research Center, nine out of 10 American Catholics see Pope Francis as compassionate and humble, and more than 80 percent hold favorable views of him. And among all American adults, not just Catholics, 62 percent rate Pope Francis favorably.
To understand the man who humbly leads the world’s largest Christian denomination while serving and speaking for the poor, for refugees, for the imprisoned and even the condemned, you need to begin by understanding his personal faith and spirituality. For his approach to prayer and decision-making and his sense of social justice and advocacy stem from a deep place of openness, freedom and surrender to God that are hallmarks of his life as a Jesuit priest. He is, first and foremost, a man for God and others, for both prayer and action.
For to understand Pope Francis is to encounter the 16th-century Spanish founder of the Jesuit order, St. Ignatius of Loyola, who was quite literally hit by a cannonball and seriously wounded during a fight against the French in Pamplona in 1521 and spent six months recovering. It was during that time that he experienced a conversion and began a spiritual journey that would eventually lead to becoming a priest, gifted spiritual director, and founder of the Jesuit order.
Along the way, Ignatius kept a journal, noting his spiritual insights and those of others. Those notes became the basis of his “Spiritual Exercises,” a manual for prayer, discernment and the spiritual life, and one of the most influential books ever written. Not a 16th-century self-help book, it is, rather, a guide for leading others through a series of meditations, prayers and mental and imaginative contemplations to discern God’s will and grow closer to him. Traditionally, the exercises take place over the course of a 30-day retreat. The goal was to create not monks but “contemplatives in action,” men and women who reflect deeply on their calling as Christians and are thus moved to action.
At the heart of the Exercises is the idea of “finding God in all things,” and to do so means paying close attention to the world around us and looking for God even where we least expect him and where we might not even care to look — in the eyes of the poor, in the hearts of criminals, even in our own failings, weaknesses, and addictions. To live by such a contemplative ideal requires a willingness to let go of what we think we want for ourselves and remain open to what God wants to do in and through us.
The Spiritual Exercises were never designed solely for Jesuits priests, however. From the very beginning, Ignatius recognized that not everyone can go away for a 30-day retreat. In one of a series of “annotations” to the Exercises, he suggested a version that allowed people to carry on with their busy lives while they went through the Spiritual Exercises.
In the St. Louis area, these “19th Annotation” retreats “in everyday life” have been offered by the non-profit Bridges Foundation for 30 years and are open to Christians of all denominations. For more information, including a schedule of upcoming free information sessions, visit the group’s website: bridgesfoundation.org.
You have been one of my helpmates in my life this past year. I thank you for what you are doing. We all need help and I am trying so very hard to live the life that God wants me to live. You are helping do this. Thank you.
That is why I love the Jesuits so much.They are so much into social justice and I believe the world really needs that now!
Steve, As a non-Catholic who has taken the 19th Annotations I would encourage all your followers, Catholic or non-Catholic, to seriously consider taking them, whether at Bridges Foundation or elsewhere. They must remember to get a good spiritual companion on the journey as it will not be an easy path to follow alone. God bless you.
Thanks, Peter. Yes, you’re absolutely right. Bridges provides every retreatant with a trained prayer companion for the journey. I just finished the training myself over the past few years.
Thanks, Karen. Agree with you…
Thanks for writing, Barbara, and for letting me know. I’m glad my writing is helpful to you on your journey.
I love Pope Francis for all the reasons you mentioned, and at the same time am troubled by some of his confusing statements that seem to go against Catholic doctrines. So my overall support of him is sort of in suspended animation. I do, however, pray for him, and trust God to guide him and our Church.
Thanks for writing and for your honesty. Let’s continue to pray for him and for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for all of us.
Karen is right that the world needs a mind seeking answers for our suffering that comes in so many forms. So many have agendas that are isolationist and consider only one point of view. Compassion to our human brothers and sisters was Jesus way as He walked on Earth. He reached out to outcasts. He asked His disciples to do the same. We are to continue His work, I believe it requires an open heart.
Well said, Linda. It seems an open heart is essential for just about everything Jesus call us to do…including believing in him.