It’s been fun watching my grandson, Noah, wake up to the world around him. Just about five months old, we’ve watched as he’s grown from the “eat, sleep, poop” stage to a period of becoming more and more aware of the world and the people around him. To watch Noah smile in recognition of his parents or reach for the dangling and colorful object hanging above his head is a spiritual lesson. For whether we’re growing physically or spiritually, we must learn to pay attention.
American Catholic Bishop Robert Morneau once said, “Spirituality is easy to define: Just stay awake.” That seems simple but, of course, it’s not always. We can sometimes find ourselves going through life not so awake. Sleepwalking. We can navigate our days as if on autopilot, looking neither left nor right for the presence of God but only straight ahead toward the next goal, the next day on the job, the next deadline or headline. Remaining awake for and aware of the spiritual in our lives requires a willingness to stop and look around, to marvel at the shiny or colorful objects God plants in front of our eyes, to smile in recognition of the people and blessings we are given so freely. To live awake is to live in awareness that all is gift and that our lives are filled not with circumstances and coincidences but with miracles.
Ask yourself in silence: How wide open are my eyes as I walk through life? Do I expect to see God today? Do I expect miracles?
James Rygelski says
Cute photo. I recall when my godson Greg (now 46 years old) showed wonder at the things hanging around his crib. I pray every day to be aware of those unplanned encounters with people that God wants us to be alert for.
Judy Oberman says
I ask myself every night when I go to bed where I saw Jesus that day. It keeps me aware. I need also to look for the miracles everyday, for there are always many, and thanks for the reminder that we have to be awake to see them.
I do so enjoy your daily reflections! God Bless You today and always!