Signs, whether informational or directional, are really just stand-ins — symbols — for real things. The street sign is not the street. The stop sign is not the law. The map is not the journey. And yet, we need these signs to help us get around, understand where we are and where we want to go, and keep us safe. We’d be pretty lost and confused in a world without signs.
Henri Nouwen once wrote: “We, as followers of Jesus, are sent into this world to be visible signs of God’s unconditional love. Thus we are not first of all judged by what we say but by what we live.” So like it or not, aware or not, we are all walking signs. We are symbols that either proclaim the unconditional love of God or tell the world that we’re all on our own and there’s no hope for joy, life or anything beyond our small little lives. Either way, we’re signs. Spiritual sandwich boards. So what are we saying and where do we point?
Ask yourself in silence: What signals am I sending out to the world? Do my actions and my words point to God and invite others to a life of faith or do they leave others wondering what it is I stand for?
I’m afraid I’m not a very nice sign a lot of times!
I try and smile but sometimes it’s just a neon sign
Just learned a new Japanese word, Ikigai, pronounced ee-ki-guy. It means roughly the reason one gets up in the world. That seems to fit perfectly with Henri Nowen’s and Steve Given’s writings. My Ikigai will be to be a sign of God’s unconditional love to all the people I meet each day. It is a great daily prayer.
Kathee: I love this word and your thoughts on it…thanks so much for writing. What a wonderful thought and prayer…
Very poetic, Jan! What’s the neon sign SAY though???