In the Biblical story of the two sisters Martha and Mary (Luke 10), Martha is buzzing around the house, cooking, cleaning, waiting on everybody and “getting stuff done.” Her sister Mary, on the other hand, has seated herself at the feet of Jesus, resting serenely in his presence and words. When Martha objects to her lazy sister (can’t you just hear and see this story unfolding?), Jesus sets her straight: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”
So we should just pray all day and not worry about keeping house or going to work, right? Hardly. We still need to do the stuff of life. But we need time at the feet of Jesus, too. If we make prayer and the presence of God the foundation for the rest of our lives, we will find ourselves with less anxiety and worry, and with more peace of mind and heart. There is one thing we need. The rest will fall into place. The work will get done. But the better part — peace — will not be taken from us.
Ask yourself in silence: Do I use busy-ness as an excuse to not spend time at the feet of Jesus? Do I let the presence of “stuff to get done” keep me from the presence of God?
Please pray for our son who has been diag with prostate cancer…He is only 52 and my sister who has been diag with liver cancer plus I have asked you before to pray for my husband Joseph who has Multiple myeloma – and is suffering with compression fractures of the spine plus a very low Hgb. If you have any medical facilities that are outstanding in MI other than U of M –that is quite a distance away please send that info. Thank you….
Thanks, Dotty. Your family has been on my prayer list and will continue to be. I wish I could be more help on the facility end, but I’m in Missouri. We have a great center here, the Siteman Cancer Center, affiliated with Washington University.
The Lord has become my foundation to make it through each day with a positive attitude and to make a difference in the lives of other people. My world changed as last July I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Please pray for me that I may continue to serve the Lord with much compassion for other people. Please pray that I may have a healing and never lose faith.
Praying for you throughout the week ahead, Mary. Remain strong and embrace God during this difficult time.
Oh Dotty and Mary! You and your families are on my prayer list as well. Rest in God. He is with you, and you are being held in His arms right now.
I am so Martha! Chasing the wind in an effort to stay ahead of things and try to control health issues. It seems sometimes that is when God allows circumstances to slow me up, stop even; and I am redirected back to Him. Finding that balance of work and rest is a life-long challenge, some times easier than others.
This series is so helpful in taking a few minutes to meditate on specific areas that affect my spirit, Steve. Thanks again. Keep it coming!