The lights of the City of David shine
As a single star pierces the night.
Restless within her a miracle waits,
Incarnation of holiest light.
But how can this be?
That an angel came down from above?
Are there gifts so precious they must be passed on? Are there gifts as simple as love?
She rests her head on the arm of the man
Who stood by her though his heart was torn.
Steadfast he searches for shelter and warmth
Soon the light of the world will be born.
But how can this be? How can he believe That an angel came down from above?
Are there those not afraid to live by their faith? Are there gifts as simple as love?
The fear of her labor is now washed away
By the joy of her baby’s first breath.
Deep in the hope of this new life for all
Is a power to rule over death.
But how can this be? And who will believe Why the angels now sing from above?
She looks on the face of her child and her God, He’s a gift as simple as love;
As simple as love.
Words by Steve Givens and Jim Russell, from the CD, “Home Again with You,” by Nathanael’s Creed.
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