1. Get fresh shrimp and peppers to go with the pasta. Get some good local (Mendocino) wine.
2. Get the hot tub hot.
3. Eat a quiet dinner, just the two of you.
4. Go outside to the hot tub.
5. Realize you just locked yourself out and you’re in your swimming suits (yes, this part COULD have been worse…)
6. Go in search of a phone and scare the neighbors.
7. Borrow some clothes.
8. Fail to reach the owners on their EMERGENCY number.
9. Call the locksmith.
10. Wait for the locksmith.
11. Locksmith opens door (yay!) and then requests cash payment (boo!)
12. Follow locksmith into town to withdraw $110 from the ATM.
13. Return home and get in the damn hot tub.
14. Relax…happy anniversary. We’ll never forget this one…
Seriously, the only thing missing from this story was Jack Tripper, Chrissy and Mr. and Mrs. Roper!

Sue and Steve, I can’t wait to see how you celebrate your 40th! Or 50th! This one will be hard to top!
Tee hee! It could have been SOOOO much worse…But the pasta looks delicious.