Just a quick post to say that my collection of essays about facing disease and treatment with faith is about to hit the virtual and physical bookstore shelves.
The publisher’s catalog reads:
Here, after three years of chemotherapy, Steve Givens describes his experiences of pain, sickness, confusion, and sadness, but also his profound sense of renewal and spiritual re-birth. He reveals that he has chosen the way of faith and God because he knows of no other way that brings peace and a reason to go on. This is a beautifully told story of struggle and pain, but ultimately of peace and acceptance, a wonderful resource for all who are facing chronic illness and its treatment.
For more information on the book, see the Faith & Chemo section of my blog or click on the chemotherapy category to read excerpts from the book.
More to come. Peace & healing…
Hi Steve, Having been faced with Chemotherapy myself (over 30 years ago) your book title really got my attention. I saw it in my “Living Faith”. I am now mgr. of our church gift shop and think this would be a wonderful addition to our book selection as so many people in our area are faced with cancer and treatments. Would it be possible to purchase your book(s) at a discount, so we can sell them at a reasonable price? Quantity limits? Frt? Our little shop is The St. Thomas Gift Shop. Our Parish is St. Thomas Aquinas, one of three parishes now making up the Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Parish, in Madawaska, Maine. My phone no. is 207-728-4346 if interested. Thank you for your time and may God Bless You. Lee
I believe wholesale discounts are available for parish shops, just as they are for any bookstore, if ordered directly from the publisher. Here’s a link, but let me know if you have any problems connecting with someone there. They are usually very responsive and ship quickly.
Thanks for writing!
Hi Steve! I just “found” you last night, as I was reading my Living Faith for today. I like to read ahead – I guess “cheating”?????? Gives me something to think about, as I lay there awake, dreading the night hours that I usually must lay awake for. Sleep does not come easily to me and hasn’t for years and years. I’m now 62 years old. But, what I am writing to you today about is your book entitled Embrace by God, about chemotherapy. My husband has advanced stage cancer and has endured radiation and a little over two years of chemotherapy, with really horrible side effects. I have prayed and prayed, and yes, like you suggested with your other page about gratitude, I am so grateful to awaken each morning and find my husband of 37 years, alive!
Is your book meant for him or me or both? How do I go about purchasing it? Through your website, or Amazon online, or my local bookstore? Maybe I’m just too tired to think anymore. It seems like nowadays everything is seen through the eyes of c.a.n.c.e.r. And I am pretty sure you know what I mean.
However, I remain grateful every day for the countless blessings that God sees fit to bestow upon me and my family. And that is the first thing I pray. I do not discount the way of Zen, or other types of faith – there is but One God – so almost in a Zen-like way, I try to remain like Brother Lawrence, and try (not always successfully) to remain “in prayer” all day, whether it is peeling potatoes for soup, or dusting the furniture, or caring for my husband, the garden, laundry or our many dogs.
I do enjoy journaling, but it is hard to figure out if it is “okay” to sometimes journal my sadness or frustrations, or to only journal the “good stuff”? Any answers for me?
Thanks, Annie, for your note. I sent you a note privately…